Archives: News

Conexus Welcomes New Board Member

At the October 10th Annual Board of Directors meeting, pediatric ophthalmologist Dr. Ed Wortham completed his term, rotating off the Conexus Board of Directors.  Dr. Wortham has been a long time friend, supporter, and advisor to Conexus and we are grateful for his service. The good news is that Dr. Wortham will continue to serve […]

Conexus Launches Richmond Mobile Project

Last week, Conexus technicians delivered VisioCheck to the 389 students at Redd Elementary in Richmond.  The technology based, comprehensive vision program identified 126 students (32%) with potential vision problems, which is well above the 25% national average.  Every child will be sent home with their individualized screening report this week.  The simplistic yet informative report […]

Robins Foundation to Support Improved Vision Programming for Richmond Public Schools

The Robins Foundation has awarded $50,000 in total to Conexus to support the Richmond Mobile project.  The Robins Foundation award will specifically be used to provide VisioCheck programming to over 15,000 Richmond school children throughout the 2017/2018 school year.  VisioCheck delivery is step one in a two-step program to improve vision and educational outcomes for […]

Conexus to Partner with National Organization to Expand Service in Richmond Public Schools

In mid-July Conexus was approached by a California-based non-profit, Vision to Learn (VTL), to discuss a possible collaborative effort.  VTL has been delivering mobile vision clinics to high need school divisions across the country for the last five years and a large grant through the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative had recently provided them the opportunity to double […]

Conexus Partners with Friends of Barnabas

Conexus was approached in the Fall of 2016 by Friends of Barnabas (FOB), a local non-profit with a mission to improve the lives of impoverished children in Honduras by providing high quality sustainable medical care and enabling communities to become self-sufficient through community health training and education. After months of planning and coordination, Conexus President […]

Conexus Attends John Randolph Foundation Awards Ceremony

John Randolph Foundation awarded its latest grants on Thursday, July 20th in front of a crowd of 125 partners, donors, and grant recipients. Responsive grants totaling $403,369 from the Foundation’s Mission Fund were awarded to 17 nonprofits.  Conexus was proud to be among one of the 17 recipients. Robin Mead accepted the award on behalf of Conexus.  […]

Where is Conexus Headed?

​On the evening of June 16th, Governor and Mrs. Jim Gilmore graciously opened their home to community leaders who were interested in learning more about how improving vision outcomes for our students will impact education.  Patricia Cornwell joined the event as a special guest and shared her passionate comments about the work of Conexus and […]