Archives: News

Student Donates to Conexus

Thousands of children struggle with poor vision, making things like learning in school and playing sports difficult. Eva Viele, a 9-year-old from Woolridge Elementary, chose to donate to her new favorite charity, Conexus, this holiday season. “For the holidays, each member of my family was going to donate to a charity that meant something to […]

Conexus Provides Gift of Sight

Wednesday is a day that Conexus optician Fatim looks forward to each week. It’s a day known as ‘Glasses Distribution Day.’ For the past couple of weeks, children at area schools have been screened for eye problems, had their eyes tested and then picked out new glasses — some for the first time. “So, this […]

Conexus Delivers Free Exams

“It is very important for students to learn, to learn how to read, to learn how to concentrate. You can’t learn to read if you can’t see,” Sandra Griffin, a staff nurse with Richmond Public Schools, said. “You can’t learn to read if your eyes are tired and you have a headache.”G.H. Reid Elementary school is […]

Mobile Clinic Brings Healthy Vision

“About one-third of the kids sitting in a classroom are unable to see well, and 80% of what a child learns in a classroom is through their eyes,” Tim Gresham, CEO, explained. “So, if a child is sitting in the classroom, not seeing as well as they should then they are not going to be […]

Gift of Light 2019

The ‘Gift of Light’ campaign, launched in 2013, supports Conexus programs such as VisioCheck, its screening program, as well as its Mobile Vision Clinic program, a free program that provides in-school non-dilated eye exams and prescription glasses to children. The Mobile Vision Clinic exams are performed by state licensed optometrists and, if prescribed, students are […]

Conexus Delivers VisioCheck To Fairfax County Schools

In late September, Conexus brought its VisioCheck program to the preschool and second grade students at  Mount Vernon Woods Elementary School in Fairfax County. That day, we screened 96 children, referring 29 for additional eye care; a 30.2% rate (the national average is 25%). ​We are grateful for the opportunity to bring our program to Fairfax County […]

Conexus to Screen Thousands

As we enter the Back to School season, Conexus for Healthy Vision is gearing up to provide vision screenings to thousands of children in and around the metro-Richmond region. For the 2019-2020 school year, Conexus will provide its VisioCheck screenings for state-mandated kindergarten, third, seventh, and tenth grade in Richmond City, Petersburg City, Hopewell City, […]

WRVA ‘Vision is Elementary’ Campaign

Throughout the week of September 16th through September 20th, WRVA 1140AM personalities John Reid and Jeff Katz included several special guests on their programs to discuss the role that healthy vision plays in the classroom. The guests included:Tim Gresham, Conexus CEO; listen HERE and HEREDr. Mervin Daughtery, Chesterfield Public Schools Superintendent; listen HEREDr. Lindsay Jung, Conexus Optometrist; listen HEREJeff Baldwin, […]