Gift of Light Campaign
In classrooms across the region, children are struggling not because they lack ability or desire, but simply because they lack all the tools they need to succeed; their poor vision is a barrier to their learning. And now, more than ever, as children spend increased time on devices due to virtual and hybrid learning, their healthy vision is critical to their success!
Your support of the Conexus Gift of Light campaign WILL change the life of a child in your community!
For a gift of $10, Conexus can provide a child a VisioCheck screening! For a gift of $50, Conexus can provide glasses for a child! For a gift of $150, Conexus can provide screening for an entire classroom! For a gift of $500, Conexus can provide an entire day of Mobile Vision Clinic services!
This holiday season, we hope you consider making a charitable donation to bring the gift of healthy vision to a child!
We are grateful for our 2023 Gift of Light Partners!
Why YOUR Support Matters!
Healthy vision is CRITICAL to a child’s success in the classroom and yet for THOUSANDS of children across the Commonwealth, they do not even know they have a vision issue significant enough to impact their ability to learn.
In the last 5 years, Conexus has screened over 270,000 children across the Commonwealth and more than 87,000 were referred for additional care. In addition, over 9,700 FREE eye exams have been provided to students in Richmond, Petersburg, Chesterfield, and Cumberland schools with over 7,300 pairs of glasses being prescribed and dispensed to students that might otherwise have gone without healthy vision.
Since 2017, Conexus has screened nearly 157,000 children in Greater Richmond.
This school year, Conexus is positioned to provide nearly 90,000 VisioCheck screenings and more than 3,000 Mobile Clinic eye exams. But we need YOUR help! Join us through a Gift of Light donation and change the life of a child this holiday season.