Conexus was approached in the Fall of 2016 by Friends of Barnabas (FOB), a local non-profit with a mission to improve the lives of impoverished children in Honduras by providing high quality sustainable medical care and enabling communities to become self-sufficient through community health training and education. After months of planning and coordination, Conexus President and CEO, Tim Gresham, and Conexus Screening Technician, Corrine Huber, traveled with a Health Mission team to Honduras for 6 days to support the development of a technology based vision program for the remote villages of Honduras. “This trip was an exciting opportunity to take and test our program outside of the US and contribute to a population desperately in need,” says Gresham. The Conexus team consulted with and trained local FOB staff as to how to incorporate technology to its fullest capacity in the field translating into improved onsite services in the clinics.