Superintendent Info – Blink 20
We know that as Superintendent you like to stay ahead of the curve, particularly with an issue that has significant health and education implications. Digital Eye Strain has been an issue for a while. Now as we expect students, teachers, and staff to significantly increase time on laptops and other screens, Digital Eye Strain is quickly becoming a significant issue. Not only does Digital Eye Strain cause discomfort and pain, it can lead to myopia (nearsightedness) which is also on the rise.
But the good news is that there are several simple strategies that can be employed by your teachers and staff to help reduce this problem.
Conexus has developed a comprehensive program (Conexus Blink 20) with information for your teachers and staff that they can easily share with their students and parents. We even have some tools your teachers can use as reminders for students. All of this is provided free of charge and is funded by our donors.
Please share this link www.conexusvision.org/teacher-info/ with your teachers and staff and encourage them to use the material.
We care about you and your eyes, too!
Please be sure to download the full report and adopt the recommendations of Conexus Blink 20 for yourself.
Lastly, we want to be sure you are aware of our VisioCheck program, which provides comprehensive vision services that help school nurses meet their state mandated vision screening requirements and helps protect your students’ good vision. This program is funded through VDOE for school divisions that meet criteria focused on financial- and performance-based measurements.
If you are not already participating in this valuable program, we encourage you to learn more and contact us to discuss implementing VisioCheck in your schools as students return to in-person learning.
There are additional services, like voucher programs and at-school eye exams and glasses through our Mobile Vision Clinic that may also be available for your schools.
Now more than ever, it is important to make sure we are addressing vision as a priority; this is one of the most impactful and most identifiable disparity in education, and also one of the most correctable disparities in education.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Conexus Director of Community Programs and Public Health, Melissa Perry