As we enter the Back to School season, Conexus for Healthy Vision is gearing up to provide vision screenings to thousands of children in and around the metro-Richmond region. For the 2019-2020 school year, Conexus will provide its VisioCheck screenings for state-mandated kindergarten, third, seventh, and tenth grade in Richmond City, Petersburg City, Hopewell City, Colonial Heights City Public Schools, as well as children in Chesterfield County Title 1 public schools; an estimated total of 12,000-plus children.
“We know that about 80% of what a child learns in a normal classroom setting is through their vision,” said Tim Gresham, Conexus CEO, “and we also know that the vast majority of children in our region will not visit an eye care professional before starting the year, so our vision screenings are a critical component to a child’s school year.”
To read the full press release, click HERE.