Category: Gift of Light

Conexus Healthy Vision Programs Are Improving Vision, Grades and Behavior

Conexus Vision has a simple mission — remove poor vision as a barrier to a child’s success in the classroom. The results can be seen not just in the grades of the students but also in their behavior. As Elizabeth Stowers, Communities in Schools of Chesterfield site coordinator, explained, “Last year we had a kindergartener […]

Conexus ‘Gift of Light’ campaign gifts Richmond student in need

Arielle, a Richmond Public Schools student and her mother, Mary, noticed that she started to struggle in school. According to Arielle’s mother, her struggles came right when she began to learn to read. “So before the testing, I kind of noticed she was having a problem because she got tested right around the time she was […]

Student Donates to Conexus

Thousands of children struggle with poor vision, making things like learning in school and playing sports difficult. Eva Viele, a 9-year-old from Woolridge Elementary, chose to donate to her new favorite charity, Conexus, this holiday season. “For the holidays, each member of my family was going to donate to a charity that meant something to […]

Gift of Light 2019

The ‘Gift of Light’ campaign, launched in 2013, supports Conexus programs such as VisioCheck, its screening program, as well as its Mobile Vision Clinic program, a free program that provides in-school non-dilated eye exams and prescription glasses to children. The Mobile Vision Clinic exams are performed by state licensed optometrists and, if prescribed, students are […]